Reading 05

Learning Thematic Process This week for the reading, we went on from making annotated bibliographies to the next stage of academic writing which is the thematic process. It's something new that I've never done, so I'm not sure if I've done it correctly so I will have to check in on the next weeks lecture to get some tips on how to do it properly and make it look better so that I could use it to help me for my own paper. I've spent the three hours on doing the 3 thematic process's for 3 of my 6 annotated bibliographies and I'm gonna finish the rest of them next week. It was very time consuming as I've much trouble concentrating on something that I don't enjoy doing but I got through it for this week. One area that I do hop on improving is that aspect of not losing focus as I do this written work as it is a bad habit and it takes way longer to do these types of things if I just keep getting distracted. Other than that, next week I'm hoping to lea...