Game Design Document
Making the GDD
When it was time to start making the GDD, I was still a little confused at how to go about it and it sounded a bit daunting the idea of making a formal document about this small game that I want to make, but I found Dundoc which is a site that gives you a template of the document which made it much easier for me to work with.
Overall, I managed to put down all of the ideas that I had about the game itself and I am looking forward to make a start on the prototype of the game. Here is the link to my GDD and any feedback is appreciated.
Hi Justin, I really loved your game design document I love the idea of an arcade style based first person shooter game as an archer. The image you used helped me vividly see what you are going for! Your game sounds really great but did you consider of maybe a point system of when you hit your targets like a point is displayed when you hit it? I've seen that in a lot of old-school arcade games and think it would be a nice feature but this is just a suggestion overall I can't wait to see the final outcome of this game!