Time Management
Managing my Time
When it comes to managing my time, I'm pretty lack luster at it. I've always tried my hardest to get better at it but I never got better at it. I've always managed to get around without managing it as I've come to accept that I never follow certain schedules that I set for myself and it has always worked out in the end. For this semester, I'm taking a similar approach as in work whenever I can and not setting myself back with schedules and other things.
For this module I'm taking a similar approach as I am more comfortable with it and I find I work more effectively that way. I still do think that time management strategies are useful for other people as many people have many different strategies that work for them and help them with this semester but I'm just not one of the people that it would work for. Overall, if you don't have any time strategy skills or any strategies that work for you, just use whatever has helped you before, no need to enforce something onto yourself that you don't like.
Hi Justin, I really was interested on your take on time management as I to have trouble with time management too especially in college and how I do each lab and listen to lecture notes! Although I do too work part-time I am trying to find space into college but for now I hope to be confident as you said and find a way to mange my time fully into my work!