Feedback thoughts
Responding to Feedback
The word 'Feedback' gives some people anxiety when they hear that word because to them it has a negative connotation to it. For me, I don't mind feedback, whether it is positive or negative and I've rarely had any anxiety with it, unless it's for something big like an exam or applying for a promotion for a job. In terms of school from past experience, I never really got much of feedback but more of you got this wrong and you should study harder. That's more of a "do better" than showing me where I could improve on. I feel like the classes where I actually got feedback in were the classes I did well in such as math class, and technical graphics, where they pointed out the areas I could improve on and what areas I excel at. I also feel like when it comes to feedback, it should never be all negative, but mostly positive and also acknowledge the negatives as well.
After reading 'Neil Gaiman's advice on the creative life', I began to understand the positives of making mistakes and how you could use them to one up yourself, learn and improve and that you should never be afraid of doing so, even though we all know that making mistakes still makes us feel bad about ourselves.
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