
This isn't so easy...

Alright, so I made a start on my prototype of the game I'm making and at first I thought the start of it will be easy. Just add the assets I'm going to use and start from there. That part was easy and all. The first 5 levels of my game will take place in a forest area and so I implemented a forest scene asset that I found on Unity. I then made an empty object named 'FP player' and added a character controller to it. I also added the main camera to the FP player as that's what the player will be controlling. I then added a cylinder as the character which I will change into an actual character at some stage before the alpha is fully made.

Image of environment and cylinder which is the player.

Now the fun part was coding the player camera. My goal for the player camera was to make it that the player could look 45 degrees upwards and downwards and 70 degrees left and right. I got the up and down part right pretty easily due to a nice tutorial I found on youtube but the head wrecking part for me was the left and right part. I just couldn't get it no matter what I tried and it took me ages. I even went on a few forums trying to find how to do it but I just couldn't understand it so I decided to leave it for a later stage.

Image of the coding that was wrecking my head.

Finally after spending way too long on the coding of the camera, I went ahead and bought an asset of 5 different bows to use for this project and added it to a folder for use when I implement the whole bow system to the game. For now, I just stuck with the default bow that the player will start off the game with. Overall, I spent around three and a half hours (a lot of which was spent on endless frustration) and although I didn't make too much progress, I think I'll have a lot more done for next week :)

Image of the player's stock bow in-game.


  1. How's it going Justin! Just finished reading what you done for your prototype last week and think you're off to a really good start. I also spent around 3/4 hours working on mine and so many times got myself confused over what turned out to be an easy fix. The environment your Game is set in looks really nice and very realistic. I feel your pain when trying to sort out the player camera, I was the exact same. I put in so many different numbers trying to get it positioned where I wanted it and after about an hour and a half finally done it! I know it feels like you spent ages of time doing it and haven't got much done but trust me you've done a lot for your first week and it looks great! Hope it develops well over the next few weeks and good luck!


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